marvelous Discovery - Baking Soda Cures Cancer

Lung Cancer Prevention :

My stepfather and uncle died of cancer. My best friend also died of cancer. I have lots of reasons not to like cancer so I made up my mind to look for alternatives, to help others who may be in a bad way from cancer to find a solution.

You too may be looking for answers. Cancer is a devastating disease that not only kills its victims, but also tears apart their friends and loved ones. The disappointment dealing with doctors who give you itsybitsy hope and treatments that are often worse than the disease itself is roughly too much to take.

Lung Cancer Prevention

Well I have spent years looking for answers as I watched my friends and house members pass away from this awful disease. I admit I am just a regular guy and I may not recognize as much as a doctor, but I can also tell you that I am here to get to the truth and I think I have discovered it straight through two breathtaking doctors.

Lung Cancer Prevention :marvelous Discovery - Baking Soda Cures Cancer

Dr. Timothy Brantley and Dr. T. Simoncini have discovered ways to help their patients beat cancer. And I think their solutions are fine and should be shouted from the rooftops of every building. They are not miracle workers, just practitioners in crusade of the truth and looking to provide you answers. It all starts with insight what causes cancer and what you can do to forestall it.

What Causes Cancer?

Cancer is the difficulty disease. Billions have been spent to try to find a cure, yet you never hear whatever clearly specify what causes it. Sure we hear about confident bad habits like smoking or too much sun that may make you more vulnerable to getting cancer, but you never hear how you can get it in the first place.

Unfortunately, I have known far too many habitancy who have contracted Cancer and have died. And despite contemporary medicines attempt with drugs (chemotherapy) or radiation (isn't that one of the causes?) most of the habitancy using these primary treatments lose their battle with cancer. In fact all I have seen from these types of treatments is quick deterioration in the patients health, plus they feel awful everyday from the treatment itself. In fact on Dr. Simoncini web site shows the fact that nearly all doctors themselves would not apply the treatments they often prescribe:

"The great lack of trust is obvious even amongst doctors. Polls and questionnaires show that three doctors out of four (75 percent) would refuse any chemotherapy because of its ineffectiveness against the disease and its devastating effects on the whole human organism. This is what many doctors and scientists have to say about chemotherapy:"

"The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still apply chemotherapy to fight these tumors." (Allen Levin, Md, Ucsf, "The curative of Cancer", Marcus Books, 1990)."

But recently, I have been hearing more and more about those that are living and beating cancer everyday. And the one thing I have learned straight through my study is that you have to beat cancer "everyday", because there actually is no quick fix.

Two doctors who I think may have answers is Dr. Timothy Brantley and Dr Tullio Simoncini.

Dr. Brantley is a popular naturopathic herb doctor that I first saw on Rachael Ray show and later the Montel Williams show who teaches habitancy that "You Are The Cause and You Are The Cure". In his book titled "The Cure Heal Your Body, Save Your Life" lays out the fundamentals on how he helped some habitancy cure themselves of cancer by balancing their internal systems using a allowable diet and aggressive detoxification. This process saved hundreds of his patients suffering numerous ailments. And he has helped celebrities like Sylvester Stallone, Kelsey Grammar and other predominant habitancy with their condition issues.

The keys to balancing your ideas as established straight through Dr. Brantley's book is to remove the toxins that are trapped in your body and simultaneously stop adding more toxins. These toxins are made up of free radicals that wreak havoc on your body. Dr. Brantley says that all of the answers are in nature and if you focus on feeding your body foods from the earth then you can cure yourself of roughly any disease. In addition, he offers herbal formulas that can help to remove years of built-up of toxins trapped in the vital organs of your body. And he writes that Cancer cannot live in a balanced body and I have seen his patients on the Montel William show who have claimed that they are now cancer free because of what Dr. Brantley has taught them.

If you want to find out "how toxic you are", Dr. Brantley offers a free condition estimate or join as a member to get way to his salutary recipes and other condition reports he provides via his web site. And unlike most web sites with answers he gives all of this information without asking for any a penny.

On the other side of the spectrum is Dr. T. Simoncini a trained curative doctor specializing in Oncology (a cancer specialist). He is confident that Cancer is a fungus that can be treated and cured. The most surprising fact is that the treatment is using sodium bicarbonate a substance we know good as baking soda. Yes, I said baking soda like the one Arm N Hammer produces. straight through his convention in Rome, Italy, Dr. Simoncini uses sodium bicarbonate directly where the tumor resides in the body. He hypothesized that tumors shared many of the same properties of a fungus; and since sodium bicarbonate was known to be a quick and fine weapon capable of eliminating fungus he might be able to use it to combat the tumor. And it did as Dr. Simoncini explains "I belief that if I could administer high concentrations orally or intravenously I might be able to gain the same result. So I started my tests and my experiments, which provided me immediately with tangible results."

These discoveries lead to equally burning questions that need to be asked: If something as uncomplicated as baking soda can sell out and eliminate tumors and changing your diet can eliminate and sell out cancer and tumors, why has the curative society not mobilized around these solutions? And why are we not shouting and lauding these discoveries in major forums where cancer is discussed?

The write back to these questions are not clear. Although you do not need to look far as who benefits from Cancer being treated in its current prescribed manner. According to the National Cancer Institute, cancer patients are going to cost Medicare alone billion for 5 years of care of 700,000 people. This is Big firm folks. Don't let whatever tell you whatever different. Pharmaceutical companies, Mri companies, doctors and hospitals would be crippled if all of these patients suddenly went away. Many doctors do not want to challenge these businesses who profit from cancer patients and in turn help fund the doctor's living.

If this is why these alternative cancer treatments have not been tested on a larger scale then it is a shame. However, you don't have to give up hope if you or a loved one has cancer. There is a cure for cancer and you do not need miracles. I pray you find this description and pass it along to as many habitancy as you can, because you can save a life. God bless you and whatever else who has cancer or who has a loved one who has it.

Please click on the links below for added information.

Dr. Brantley's web site

Dr. Brantley provides you a pathway to good condition with salutary recipes and a free condition evaluation, articles and more. It's a worthwhile visit since they give so much information away for free. Also check out his herbal products.

Dr. Simoncini web site

Bucking the trend Oncologist Dr. Simoncini has an write back for tumors and cancer and it certainly will raise an eyebrow.

Lung Cancer Prevention :marvelous Discovery - Baking Soda Cures Cancer


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