What is Asbestosis?

Lung Cancer Prevention :

What is this Condition?

This lung health is characterized by uncut filling and inflammation of the lung spaces with asbestos fibers. It can develop as long as 15 to 20 years after quarterly exposure to asbestos has ended. A potent cocarcinogen, asbestos aggravates the risk of lung cancer in cigarette smokers.

Lung Cancer Prevention

What Causes it?

Lung Cancer Prevention :What is Asbestosis?

Asbestosis is caused by the inhalation of small asbestos fibers. These fibers move in the direction of airflow and lanch the breathing passages. Sources consist of the mining and grinding of asbestos, the building business (where asbestos is used in a prefabricated form), and the fireproofing and textile industries. It has also has been used in the production of paints, plastics, and automobile brake and clutch linings.

Asbestos-related diseases develop in families of workers as a result of exposure to the fibrous dust shaken off workers' clothing at home. Asbestosis also strikes population who are exposed to fibrous dust or waste piles from around asbestos plants.

Inhaled fibers become encased in a brown, protein like sheath rich in iron called ferruginous bodies or asbestos bodies found in sputum and lung tissue.

What are its symptoms?

The first symptom is commonly shortness of breath on exertion, typically after 10 years' exposure. As lung damage becomes more extensive, this increases, until ultimately the man is short of breath, even at rest. Developed disease also causes a cough, chest pain, recurrent respiratory infections, and rapid breathing.

Asbestosis may cause complications, such as an enlarged heart and pulmonary hypertension. Club-shaped fingers ordinarily occur.

How is it Diagnosed?

The persons history reveals occupational, family, or neighborhood exposure to asbestos fibers. A corporal exam reveals characteristic, dry crackles at the bases of the lungs. An arterial blood gas test reveals a decreased oxygen level and a low carbon dioxide level. Finally, a chest X-ray and pulmonary function studies help diagnose this disease.

How is it Treated?

This disease can't be cured. The goal of treatment is to ease respiratory symptoms and, in Developed disease, to operate the complications.

Respiratory symptoms may be relieved by chest corporal therapy techniques such as controlled coughing. Aerosol therapy, inhaled mucolytics, and increased fluids (at least 3 quarts [3 liters] daily) may also help ease respiratory symptoms. Diuretics, digitalis glycoside preparations, and salt restriction may be indicated for population with cor pulmonale. Oxygen scantness requires oxygen supervision by mask or by a mechanical ventilator. Respiratory infections need prompt supervision of antibiotics.

What can a man with asbestosis do?

o To preclude infections, avoid crowds and persons with infections and receive influenza and pneumococcal vaccines .

o To heighten your breathing, feel corporal reconditioning, conserve your energy in daily activities, and use freedom techniques.

Lung Cancer Prevention :What is Asbestosis?


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