What Are the Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer?

Lung Cancer Prevention :

What is Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is almost all the time caused by cigarette smoking. Many times it's not diagnosed until the later stages of the disease which normally means that it has already spread to other tissue and organs. It's also the prominent cause of cancer deaths in the Us in both men and women which is sad as the risks of developing it significantly decrease if a man does not smoke.

Lung Cancer Prevention

What are the early warning signs?

Lung Cancer Prevention :What Are the Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer has many symptoms any way some of the earliest signs can be mistaken for coarse everyday illnesses. Many of the symptoms of lung cancer do not show up until the cancer is in a later stage. Some of the early warning signs can include:

o Persistent Cough
o Recurrent Bronchitis or Pneumonia
o Loss of Appetite, Weight Loss
o Chest Pain

Some of the added symptoms of Lung Cancer are listed below. While having any of these symptoms does not mean you have cancer, a Dr. Should be consulted if you are suffering from any of the following:

o Fever without a known reason
o Abnormal Chest X-ray
o Coughing Up Blood
o Hoarseness
o persisting Shortness of Breath

If you are suffering from any or some of these symptoms and you are a current or former smoker, you should caress your doctor and schedule an appointment to have an examination. There are tests that can be done to decide the cause of your symptoms and these tests can whether diagnose or rule out lung cancer. Some of the tests ready consist of a blood count test, X-ray as well as bone scan or sputum exam.


If you are a smoker and are concerned about any of the symptoms you are experiencing remember the sooner you are diagnosed the better. Cancer can spread very rapidly and by starting treatments as soon as inherent you can heighten your occasion of survival.

Lung Cancer Prevention :What Are the Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer?


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