New Ways to Get Rid of Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Lung Cancer Prevention :

New ways to get rid of snoring & sleep apnea.

Loud snoring can cause your necessary other to sleep in a separate bedroom or worse.

Lung Cancer Prevention

And, it may be a indication of illness of sleep apnea or the things that cause the loud snoring may get worse & also lead to sleep apnea.

Lung Cancer Prevention :New Ways to Get Rid of Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is dangerous. The lack of oxygen can damage your brain; & it tends to furnish high blood pressure & make heart disease more likely. Plus the lack of sleep it causes can make you feel bad, tired, & spacey. Worse, you may get sleepy sufficient to be in an emergency that injures you or person else.

Here are some ways to combat these things.

1. In the last few days I discovered a new way to treat sleep apnea. It also has worked well for loud snoring according to the website of the company who makes it.

The old one that is most used is called positive airway pressure. It works reliably; but it depends on dependable electric power; & it approximately beyond doubt ties you to the air pump with a hose as you sleep. So it's very inconvenient to use. So much so that many habitancy cannot make themselves do it. And, it's not exactly something you can take with you beyond doubt while traveling.

The new formula I saw is called the Pillar Procedure. And, the company that makes it is Restore Medical. At -- their website, they have a place to look up local doctors who perform it. That function worked well for the area where I live when I tried it.

Once you have it done, there's nothing to take with you or be tied to. It's more like having a small cavity filled; and quite a bit faster it sounds like from my reading of the information on their website.

It's apparently much less invasive & has easier rescue time than the operation that cuts out & removes the tissues that tend to block breathing or vibrate to cause snoring. The Pillar procedure works by inserting a join of strips in the tissue that do these two jobs.

Breathing revising exercises & neck strengthening exercises & losing necessary amounts of excess bodyfat though improved eating & exercise probably will get the job done also. And, they have other considerable benefits. But, they take weeks or months to work. For your health's sake you should also do those things.

However, this Pillar procedure sounds like it might be a great first step as it apparently will solve most of the qoute quickly.

I have not had this procedure done nor talked with anything who has. And, there might be habitancy who didn't get results as good as the habitancy quoted on their website.

However, I did consideration that any doctors in our area have already begun offering it. And, one set of doctors advertised their custom by saying they do this Pillar procedure.

If it interests you, see what you think. If I had sleep apnea or loud snoring problems, I'd talk to the doctors locally who have been doing it before I made up my mind.

2. I get any separate online condition letters.

The one recently by a Dr Blaylock had two things in it about sleep apnea.
The good news is that each of them can be sharply improved by things that also have a proven track article of reducing high blood pressure & improving condition in other ways.

Here's the first one:

He points out that in some habitancy sleep apnea is caused at least in part by fluid build up in their lungs caused by congestive heart failure.

(If this is bad, see your doctor, as you may need a diuretic to reduce the fluid level.)

The good news is that taking 100 mg of CoQ10 twice a day seems to heighten heart failure--dramatically well in some people. And, taking that whole tends to lower high blood pressure about 10 points. It also increases your vigor level & improves heart condition in other ways.

So, if you don't already do that, reconsider it because your sleep apnea may heighten a bit & if you also have high blood pressure, you'll likely see both numbers improve..

(Since I added 100 mg of CoQ10 twice a day my blood pressure went down exactly 10 points in both numbers.)

Here's the second one:

Dr Blaylock also points out that regardless of the cause, sleep apnea also increases your inflammation & its marker, C-reactive protein, in your blood

High C-reactive protein on a blood test is a proven predictor of heart disease or worse heart disease.

The good news is that making sure to eat any servings of vegetables each day other than french fries or baked potatoes -- as well as eating one to three servings of fresh fruit each day & getting at least some moderate exercise each day, like walking for 20 minutes, all lower C-Reactive protein.

And, the potassium & fiber vegetables & fruits consist of have been shown to reduce blood pressure in habitancy who start eating them who weren't before.

Eating cooked beans or lentils -- & eating nuts if you aren't allergic to them -- also seem to reduce C-Reactive protein levels.

Even better, eating more vegetables & getting quarterly exercise will make you less fat. And the less fat you are, the less likely you are to have snoring & sleep apnea.

(Eating nuts that are raw or dry roasted instead of salted & fried in transfats is also important. The dry roasted or raw unsalted ones tend to lower high blood pressure & heighten health. Extra salt & transfats tend to do the reverse.)

His newsletter also had any foods that promote health. It turns out strawberries also work great to reduce C-Reactive protein.

Strawberries are high in vitamin C & are very high in their antioxidant level overall. So much so, it's also concept they help forestall cancer.

They also are high in potassium that tends to lower blood pressure.

So, if you aren't allergic to strawberries & can enjoy them without adding whipped cream, they are approximately perfect for cutting C-Reactive protein.

These are some of the any things that stop loud snoring & sleep apnea & forestall them from harming your health.

Lung Cancer Prevention :New Ways to Get Rid of Snoring & Sleep Apnea


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