A salutary Immune theory - What Does nutrition Have to Do With It - Part 1 of 5

Lung Cancer Prevention :

The immune theory is a "complex network of specialized organs, cells, and substances". It includes the skin, stomach, pancreas, bone marrow, spleen, liver, thymus gland, tonsils, and the lymphatic system- basically, "all cells and tissues of the body that have the ability to resist infection and disease." There are patches of lymphoid tissue in the intestinal tract, as well.

"Immunity is the ability of the body to defend itself against specific invading agents such as bacteria, toxins, viruses, and foreign tissues." Immunity provides a mechanism for defense against disease. Immunity on a cellular level is what protects us against fungi, viruses, bacteria and yeast infections. For example, "B-Cells, T-Cells and antibodies protect all body systems from charge by harmful foreign invaders (pathogens), foreign cells, and cancer cells."

Lung Cancer Prevention

Nutrition plays a valuable role in a wholesome immune system. considering that the immune theory is a multi-organ system, and that there are millions of new immune theory cells are produced daily, it is reasonable to assume that "its large size and high cellular turnover concentrate to make the immune theory a major buyer of nutrients. So, some aspects of immunity are very sensitive to nutritional deficiencies. It is uncertain as to whether this decline in immunity results from nutritional deficiencies and/or increased requirements. The latter could succeed from a range of causes which will be discussed later. Human studies have shown that there is a "causal relationship between undernutrition and secondary immunodepression that results in diminished resistance to infectious diseases" and that "severe malnutrition has a major impact on resistance to disease that is partly mediated straight through the immune system. There is also evidence that "moderate-to-marginal undernutrition may compromise immunity". Deficiencies of zinc, folic acid, valuable fatty acids, manganese, calcium or any one of the B vitamins may severe impair immune theory functioning. "Studies confirm that becoming depleted in even one nutrient can cause us to suffer a range of ailments and can verily predispose us to inflation, allergies, and even cancer".

Lung Cancer Prevention :A salutary Immune theory - What Does nutrition Have to Do With It - Part 1 of 5

New explore has shown that a deficiency in one or more of 8 valuable monosaccharides can impair immunity as they "combine with proteins and fats on cell surfaces to work on cell-to-cell communication and the functioning of the immune system.

Natural medicine sees the value of preventing disease, in comparison to reacting to it. There are distinct foods have been shown to expand the immune system. Plums, broccoli and other green leafy vegetables, sea veggies, mushrooms, and aloe vera are "power foods"- foods that offer special benefits in relation to immune theory support.
Plums, whether fresh or dried, have been the subject of repeated condition explore because of their high article of unique phytonutrients, classified as phenols and their function as antioxidants has been well-documented. Plums increase absorption of iron into the body which has been documented in published explore and this ability may be due the high article of vitamin C in this fruit. In increasing to assisting with absorption of iron, vitamin C is needed in the body to make wholesome tissue and is also needed for a strong immune system. Plums are a good source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin B2, dietary fiber and potassium and come in over 2,000 varieties.

Broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables like brussel sprouts, are exquisite sources of vitamin A (beta-carotene), B, C and E, incomplete proteins and calcium and are high in fiber. The phytonutrients in broccoli along with our own enzymes optimize our cells' ability to disarm and clear free radicals and toxins, together with inherent carcinogens. up-to-date studies show that those eating the most cruciferous vegetables have a much lower risk of prostate, colorectal and lung cancer-even when compared to those who normally eat other vegetables. For example, in 1992 "a researcher at John Hopkins University announced the discovery of a composition found in broccoli, namely polyphenols, that not only prevented the improvement of tumors by 60% in the studied group, it also reduced the size of tumors that did construct by 75%. In a study of over 1,000 men conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer explore town in Seattle, Wa, those eating 28 servings of vegetables a week had a 35% lower risk of prostate cancer, but those captivating just 3 or more servings of cruciferous vegetables each week had a 44% lower prostate cancer risk.

In the Netherlands Cohort Study on Diet and Cancer, in which data was collected on over 100,000 citizen for more than 6 years, those eating the most vegetables benefited with a 25% lower risk of colorectal cancers, but those eating the most cruciferous vegetables did almost twice as well with a 49% drop in their colorectal cancer risk. A study of Chinese women in Singapore, a city in which air pollution levels are often high putting stress on the detoxification capacity of residents' lungs, found that in non-smokers, eating cruciferous vegetables lowered risk of lung cancer by 30%. In smokers, regular cruciferous vegetable consumption reduced lung cancer risk an spectacular, 69%. One cup of broccoli contains the Rda for vitamin C, and fortifies the immune theory with beta-carotene, and small but useful amounts of zinc and selenium, two trace minerals that act as cofactors in numerous immune defensive actions.

A composition of these and other power foods have the ability to defend, protect and restore. They act to defend the immune theory by enhancing cell-to-cell communication, allowing the cells to send and receive messages clearly and effectively. They protect against the assorted environmental toxins, poor food sources, and stress. Power foods help to restore cellular condition that has been compromised by pollutants; such as those in the air we breathe and water we drink.

Sea vegetables, more commonly known as seaweed or maritime algae, have superior nutritional value that enhances immune theory function. Wakame, undaria pinnatifida, is one of the most important species of seaweed that is rich in protein, calcium, iodine, magnesium, iron and folate. Lignans, which help fight cancer are found in high quantity in wakame (kelp) and may provide safety against distinct cancers.

Spirulina is a spiral-shaped, blue-green, single-celled alga. It is an over 65% complete, pre-digested vegetable protein. Spirulina absorbs and retains many minerals and nutrients together with valuable fatty acids, Gla fatty acid, lipids, the nucleic acids (Rna and Dna), B complex, vitamin C and E, and phytochemicals such as carotenoids, chlorophyll (blood purifier) and phycocyanin, a protein that is known to inhibit cancer.

Shitake, reishi and mitake mushrooms lead to increased cellular immunity and have been shown to promote the conversion of cancer cells to general cells. Chinese explore supports the use of these mushrooms to stimulate immune function. They consist of betaglucans that are proven immuno-stimulants. Mushrooms have good nutritional value because they are low in fat and fat and have no cholesterol. They are low in salt and consist of assorted minerals together with potassium, linoleic acid, folate, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. Mushrooms consist of a good source of vitamins especially B vitamins. The protein found in mushrooms is superior to other vegetable protein due its valuable amino acid content. between 70-90% of this vegetable protein can be verily digested.

Aloe Vera, a tasteless plant, has been used for thousands of years on burns and cuts. More significantly, it includes an plentifulness of valuable sugars needed for cellular communication. Aloe appears to expand the immune system, particularly in those already healthy, to keep inpatient from contracting other infections. It has a high antioxidant capacity and an anti-inflammatory effect.

In summary, the following dietary guidelines are contributing factors in enhancing immune theory functioning:

1) limit the intake of white sugar and refined flour products;

2) drink plentifulness of water;

3) use whole grains;

4) limit the intake of fatty dairy products, and;

5) increase the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes.

The Organic Trade relationship has cited several reasons to eat organic foods. Some of the most important reasons, in my evaluation consist of the fact that organic products meet stringent standards- reducing condition risks by eliminating the use of toxic chemicals, and that organic farmers build wholesome soils- the foundation of the food chain. Healthier soils will promote higher nutritive value in foods.

Eating a composition of raw and cooked foods may provide maximum condition benefits. For example, raw and cooked broccoli (crucifers) provides separate anticancer phytonutrients. The raw vegetable has higher vitamin C but cooking the vegetable makes the carotenoids more bioavailable.

Lung Cancer Prevention :A salutary Immune theory - What Does nutrition Have to Do With It - Part 1 of 5


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