The point of the Mediterranean Diet

Lung Cancer Prevention :

A restaurant, family, or private that serves and eats the "Mediterranean Diet" knows something that many of us don't. The Mediterranean Diet is much more than just a diet. It is a full and faultless lifestyle. You have to adopt it, it must come to be second nature. For centuries it has been the appropriate way of life of the citizen surrounding the Mediterranean Basin, especially in places like Spain, Italy and Greece. The Mediterranean Diet is a heart-healthy diet combining elements of Mediterranean-style cooking as well as the exact ingredients, herbs, and spices from this region of the world.

The Mediterranean Diet is also an appropriate way to aid in the prevention of coarse diseases. The most significant are stroke (first cause of death in women and second in men) and heart assault (the main cause in men), but comprise many more. The point of the Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of the metabolic syndrome has been proven time and time again (some condition disorders of which the most important are: too much fat around the waist, high blood pressure and/or insulin levels and unbalanced levels of cholesterol). Other benefits comprise prevention of lung diseases, asthma, many allergies, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and also helping keep bone mass in the elderly. Recently, it has been reported that the Mediterranean Diet is consistent with low incidences of many types of cancer. citizen "living" the Mediterranean Diet plan have a 70% higher expectancy of life and an 80% higher capability of life (supposing they do not smoke, etc.).

Lung Cancer Prevention

The significant Mediterranean Diet characteristics consist of:

Lung Cancer Prevention :The point of the Mediterranean Diet

1. High consumption of virgin olive oil.

2. High intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

3. Use of non refined carbohydrates (portions to be adjusted to corporeal activity).

4. Consumption of fish, specifically oily fish, three to four times a week.

5. Consumption of milk and derivates, cheese (goat and feta are popular) and yogurt. Keep an eye on the saturated fats of the dairy products and keep them low!

6. Eggs in moderation (3-4 weekly).

7. Moderate consumption of meat and saturated fats (special occasions, etc.).

8. One or two small glasses of wine a day, preferably a glass with your dinner. White wine and beer can be used as alternatives.

9. Nuts as the main snack.

When dining out at local restaurants, try to find salutary options or search your area for a cafeteria specializing in Heart Healthy, Mediterranean cuisine. It is a uncomplicated way to keep yourself salutary and happy. Cheers!

Lung Cancer Prevention :The point of the Mediterranean Diet


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